Loft Conversion Trends for 2016!

Loft Conversions are one of the most popular renovations you can get done nowadays. Not only is it less stressful that moving house, but it’s been proven that it’s a third of the cost less than actually moving to a new place that has an extra room. So, what are the main trends concerning loft conversions in 2016 and why do you need to consider them?

If your loft is being converted into a bedroom, bathroom or any type of room where people gather, building regulations stipulate that you need a staircase. The staircase itself doesn’t need to be as big your originally stairs as you can choose different designs.

Natural Light
Great ways to really take advantage of the light situation in your loft is to invest is a sky light or roof windows to really bring the room to life. Maybe even consider a fully opening roof window that could also provide access to a roof terrace.

Another building stipulation is that the loft must have insulation, especially if you’re spending a lot of time up there. This is due to the extreme weather that can occur during the Summer and Winter months. Insulation blankets are essential for the walls so they can trap heat.

People who own buildings that have been there for a long time should consider getting a loft conversion, or, if you already have one, enquire about getting additional strengthening using steel beams to make the building more safe and secure.

Loft Conversions are a great way to save money and add value to your property. They are great for any extra space you way want or need and provide another room for relaxation.

Get in touch with us today to see how we can help you with your loft conversion today!